Friday, December 15, 2006
the last one

Friday, December 08, 2006
a good day
so my friend and i found a place to live. it's a 3 bedroom house, and it's pretty nice. we're both pretty excited about it. i've never lived in my own house. i mean, it's not a huge house, so it's not all that different from an apartment. but it's kind of nice that we have our own little driveway, and a garage. so that was some great news yesterday.
something else that happened yesterday was my company christmas party. now it was an alright party (free food and drinks), but what made it even better was that i won something in the raffle. and not one of the lame poinsettia plants either (my coworker and i each made a sigh of relief to each other when we did not win one of the plants. we'd rather go home empty handed than with one of those). but what i did win, is a digital camera and a printer! now i did just buy a camera not all that long ago. like 8 months maybe, if even. but i do need a printer. i can't tell if it's a regular all purpose printer, or just a photo printer. cause it shows it printing pictures on the box, but it seems awfully big compared to the other photo-only printers i've seen. so that was pretty cool, cause i never win anything.
the argentinian and i also went to this thing for his work as well. which had more free food and drinks, but by that time, i was full. i could barely eat a couple of egg rolls.
overall, it was a lot of fun and a lot of good news.
something else that happened yesterday was my company christmas party. now it was an alright party (free food and drinks), but what made it even better was that i won something in the raffle. and not one of the lame poinsettia plants either (my coworker and i each made a sigh of relief to each other when we did not win one of the plants. we'd rather go home empty handed than with one of those). but what i did win, is a digital camera and a printer! now i did just buy a camera not all that long ago. like 8 months maybe, if even. but i do need a printer. i can't tell if it's a regular all purpose printer, or just a photo printer. cause it shows it printing pictures on the box, but it seems awfully big compared to the other photo-only printers i've seen. so that was pretty cool, cause i never win anything.
the argentinian and i also went to this thing for his work as well. which had more free food and drinks, but by that time, i was full. i could barely eat a couple of egg rolls.
overall, it was a lot of fun and a lot of good news.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
i'm going to be moving in less than 10 days. i have done hardly any packing. i've managed to move a few things into the argentinian's house (i'm living with him temporarily). things that are moved: a few pairs of tennis shoes, my one and only plant, a night stand, some books/magazines, movies, and enough clothes that i've managed to get by lately when i stay over. i'm starting to actually worry that i haven't done more. i'm not really great at the whole packing and moving thing. in fact, i'm kind of bad about it. i'm a huge procrastinator when it comes to that sort of thing. last time i moved, i was there til super late at night moving stuff. luckily my nice brother was there helping me. i don't want this to happen this time. that's why i initially wanted to bring stuff over a little at a time. that hasn't worked out quite like i planned. i guess this week i need to really buckle down and do that. ugh...i HATE packing. it's the worst.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
you're such a gamer

so over the thanksgiving holiday, when i was up in sacramento, i experienced something new. that new thing was the nintendo wii. after waiting what seemed like hours for my brother to get it all set up and updated, we (my brothers, s-i-l, argentinian and me. and later on my mom) all sad down for some fun. you get to create little game people that look like you. so we each took our turn, disagreeing over what our height, eyes, or hair should look like (i swear they were going to have me look like a baby next to all of them).

it's been like a month since i've updated this thing. i don't know why, since i've actually started a post since the last one a couple times. but stuff always got in the way. like my boss coming around, a power outage at work, ect. maybe i should stop trying to update when i'm at work. a novel idea i'm sure i won't hold to. but i guess once i'm home from work i don't always think of something interesting to post about. anyways...here's a quick update on my life (for those who care, and don't already know):
first of all, i am moving. not to a new state or anything like that. or even really to a new city (though technically it is a different town or whatever). i will also be living with a new roommate. while things with the roommate i have now are fine (how could they be bad when i'm hardly even home after all) i am going to be living with one of my friends. so that will be fun.
things with the argentinian are going very well. he came up to sacramento with me for thanksgiving at my mom's house. he met my brothers and sister-in-law (it's still very weird to me that my brother is actually married...not like i thought he was an unmarriable kind of guy, but it's just weird), and everybody really likes him. which came as no surprise to me, since he's a pretty likable guy. i don't know if anyone i've introduced him to has ever not liked him. so he's now met my entire family. i have yet to meet his. though i did talk to his mom once on IM, only for like a minute though. he also got to meet more of my friends, but not all of them unfortunately. one's pregnancy, and another's mix up of the time made it so we couldn't all meet up together. i'm going to be staying with him for a couple weeks until i move into my new place. it's going to save me hundreds of dollars, so i was muy grateful he was happy to let me do that. he's the best boyfriend ever.
other than that, nothing really new with my life. though i do plan to try and update this more often. i feel kind of bad (even though i don't really have a reason besides p.bear asking for updates) i haven't done it more often. for like a month or something. crazy.
first of all, i am moving. not to a new state or anything like that. or even really to a new city (though technically it is a different town or whatever). i will also be living with a new roommate. while things with the roommate i have now are fine (how could they be bad when i'm hardly even home after all) i am going to be living with one of my friends. so that will be fun.
things with the argentinian are going very well. he came up to sacramento with me for thanksgiving at my mom's house. he met my brothers and sister-in-law (it's still very weird to me that my brother is actually married...not like i thought he was an unmarriable kind of guy, but it's just weird), and everybody really likes him. which came as no surprise to me, since he's a pretty likable guy. i don't know if anyone i've introduced him to has ever not liked him. so he's now met my entire family. i have yet to meet his. though i did talk to his mom once on IM, only for like a minute though. he also got to meet more of my friends, but not all of them unfortunately. one's pregnancy, and another's mix up of the time made it so we couldn't all meet up together. i'm going to be staying with him for a couple weeks until i move into my new place. it's going to save me hundreds of dollars, so i was muy grateful he was happy to let me do that. he's the best boyfriend ever.
other than that, nothing really new with my life. though i do plan to try and update this more often. i feel kind of bad (even though i don't really have a reason besides p.bear asking for updates) i haven't done it more often. for like a month or something. crazy.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
the single person's new year's?

so i've heard a lot recently how halloween is "the single person's new year's" and i wasn't sure i bought into it. sure, last year i had had a more exciting and fun halloween then i had in years, but that didn't mean i wouldn't have just as much fun as last year this time around.
as many know, halloween is a time when girls can dress up as whatever, scandalous (see above) or not, and no one really says anything (except for maybe the girls' mothers). i suppose that is part of the fun of halloween. no judgement. also, upholding the thought that halloween is the single's new year's, are tales of rampant hook-ups on halloween. i've never really been one for the random halloween hook-up myself. but, to each his own. where there are parties and drinking, it is bound to happen.
despite all these thoughts, i never really thought of halloween that way. that is, until this year. don't get me wrong. i had a lot of fun going out to a few parties this weekend. but, it was definitely different than last year. first clue, when i was thinking i'd just wear my costume from last year since i couldn't find anything on friday night, the argentinian was not too keen on the idea. he agreed with my mother about the costume (please note it wasn't as bad as the one pictured above or anything). pressed for time, i ended up going in a costume i was less than thrilled with. but at least i was able to pull something together more decent by the next night's round of parties. also, going to halloween parties with your boyfriend or girlfriend just has a different feel. you're not one of the single's running around in your skimpy little costume, flirting with the cute boys. you're the one who found a costume that can incorporate a jacket so you don't freeze to death, cause you know you have someone to make out with no matter how you are dressed.

so i'm on the phone at work talking to this girl a cubicle area away from me, asking her a question about something. suddenly, my phone starts blaring music (the new ringtone i was in the middle of downloading). everyone, and i mean EVERYONE around me hears it and is like, what's going on. it happens not once, but twice. my office, of course, is dead silent when this happens. well, save me and the other girl on the phone. sooooo embarrassing. especially with the "nice ringtone" comment afterwards.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
halloween: work edition
today we had a halloween celebration at work. each little "pod" was decorated as a different theme. my group was disneyland (pictures once i get them). my ride was the matterhorn. there are judges for individual costume, and for the group as a whole. apparently our group has a fairly good chance of winning the group one. i can say that i agree with that. i think we did a good job. i'll post if we won later.
Sunday, October 29, 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006
a range of emotions

old people shouldn't be allowed to drive
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

first off, no, i am not engaged, if the title made any people suspect that is what this was about.
i just overheard a woman at my work announcing to some people she is now engaged. i myself was talking about engagement last night with the argentinian (not in a "we're planning on getting engaged/talking about getting married sort of way"). he tells me, not for the first time, how he wants a girl to propose to him. i tell him how i would never propose to a guy, no matter what.
"why not?" he asks.
"i can't even ask a guy out on a date when i'm single, and you think i could ask someone to marry me? no way. what if the guy said no?" i answer.
cause really, if i'm so afraid to even ask someone out cause i don't want the rejection of asking someone out and them saying no, how horrible would it be to ask someone to spend their life with you and them say no? i think once girls are ready to be married, and are with the right person, they drop little hints to some extent, making it known what they want. do guys do the same thing? i think not. in my personal experience, even when a guy says he could see himself spending his life with you it is not a sure bet. so i think i'm really going to pass on the whole proposing thing. not that i don't admire girls who have done it. good for you. but me, no way. call me traditional, call me what you want, but i want the guy to propose to me.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
i hope this is for real
Monday, October 09, 2006
i was on my way home on saturday afternoon from the argentinian's house, and i was kind of hungry. so since i didn't have all that much to eat at home, i stopped at taco bell. the taco bell shares a parking lot with in-n-out, and so there is often a rather long line of cars that crowds up the place. so i'm trying to squeeze through a line of cars (in my car) and a dumpster when this girl in a truck starts trying to go through as well. i see her mouth the words about "she'll have to back up." even though i had started through the space first, i was like, whatever, no big deal, i'll just back up. i knew there was a ped (pedestrian) walking around behind my car, so i waited a second and was looking back for him to be out of the way of my car. i slowly move back, as in i just take my foot off the brake and let me car roll. suddenly, this ass ped spits his drink, which appears to have some food in it as well, on the back of my car. and keeps on walking away. needless to say, it pisses me off. so i drive over to where he is just sitting down with one of his friends, and get out of my car and ask if there is a reason that he spit on my car.
"yeah," he said. "you almost hit me."
"no, i didn't. i waited for you to be out of the way," i respond.
"oh, you waited."
which yeah, i did wait. cause really, is hitting some ped high on my list of things to do? i'm pretty sure it's not. so even if he thought that i was going to hit him, which i wasn't even near him so i don't know what his deal was, why is spitting on someone's car the first thought you have? cause i'm pretty sure that it's an accident if someone hits a person. and i'm pretty sure the one mile an hour nudge wouldn't have phased him. but i wasn't even near him, so it was stupid.
later that day i almost got hit by a backing out car in my apartment complex parking lot. and you know what, i didn't even think about spitting on their car. i didn't even say anything. cause i was mostly just like, whoa, i almost got hit by a car. not like, hey, what an ass. i'm sure this older woman was trying to run me over. what can i do that lacks complete human decency to show my rage. even if i was mad, the worst i would do is maybe give an angry look. when did it become ok to spit on people or their stuff. i'm pretty sure spitting on someone's body is assault. why should spitting on their car be any more ok?
"yeah," he said. "you almost hit me."
"no, i didn't. i waited for you to be out of the way," i respond.
"oh, you waited."
which yeah, i did wait. cause really, is hitting some ped high on my list of things to do? i'm pretty sure it's not. so even if he thought that i was going to hit him, which i wasn't even near him so i don't know what his deal was, why is spitting on someone's car the first thought you have? cause i'm pretty sure that it's an accident if someone hits a person. and i'm pretty sure the one mile an hour nudge wouldn't have phased him. but i wasn't even near him, so it was stupid.
later that day i almost got hit by a backing out car in my apartment complex parking lot. and you know what, i didn't even think about spitting on their car. i didn't even say anything. cause i was mostly just like, whoa, i almost got hit by a car. not like, hey, what an ass. i'm sure this older woman was trying to run me over. what can i do that lacks complete human decency to show my rage. even if i was mad, the worst i would do is maybe give an angry look. when did it become ok to spit on people or their stuff. i'm pretty sure spitting on someone's body is assault. why should spitting on their car be any more ok?
Friday, September 29, 2006
an epidemic
so first rachel zoe starts to look rather haggard. well, more like very haggard.

and now the girls she styles are looking bad too.

why are you doing this to our young hollywood starlets rachel? first you let them (or help them) get so super skinny, and then you let them go to a premier with greasy hair like brandon davis's and looking all cracked out? not to mention from what i can see that dress does not look all that cute.

and now the girls she styles are looking bad too.

why are you doing this to our young hollywood starlets rachel? first you let them (or help them) get so super skinny, and then you let them go to a premier with greasy hair like brandon davis's and looking all cracked out? not to mention from what i can see that dress does not look all that cute.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
so i got my new license in the mail on saturday. it obviously looks much more like me, aside from the fact that it makes me look tanorexic (see below).

really, i'm not that tan/orange. i don't know what happened. but i was at least looking forward to not having so much scrutiny put on my picture from when i was 16. i would finally be able to get in bars without the hassle. not true. on the first night i actually use my new license, i get just as much hassle as before. "what's your birthdate? what's your license number?" i mean i know i look like indian or something in the picture, but it's still a real ID.

really, i'm not that tan/orange. i don't know what happened. but i was at least looking forward to not having so much scrutiny put on my picture from when i was 16. i would finally be able to get in bars without the hassle. not true. on the first night i actually use my new license, i get just as much hassle as before. "what's your birthdate? what's your license number?" i mean i know i look like indian or something in the picture, but it's still a real ID.
Friday, September 22, 2006
so earlier i was talking about how no one at my office knew how to say my last name. yesterday in our team meeting we had to do these little mini introductions since we got a new girl. people were saying there first and last names. so i obviously said mine. the reaction: "wait, how do you say your last name?" i was like, "yeah, people tend to get it wrong. it's no big deal. it's been happening my whole life." but maybe now it won't be mispronounced quite so often. a small victory.
so cute
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
not sure if i'll make it
so i picked up this book on fasting the other day (juice and other types). and i've started reading it, and it's kind of got me wanting to try it. i've never really fasted before. well, except in high school once when we did some fast to raise money or something. but that was barely 24 hours. and to be 100% honest, i might have snuck a cookie or something that a friend gave me. so i'm actually wanting to try it. or slowly work my way up to it. when i was reading all these benefits you can get from it,it's hard to not want to even try. i don't know that i could make it though. like i'm sure for like one day i could do it. but for three days? that i'm not so sure of. three days surviving on nothing but juice would be hard, considering i've been getting even more hungry lately. maybe i'll try it sometime this week or weekend. i'll keep you posted.
new beginnings
so my friend and i are going to be starting a fashion blog. something new and creative for me to do at work, and something new and creative for her to do after work. as if i don't take my job seriously. hurtful... but who am i kidding. i will work on it at work.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
it's too late, isn't it
so today my office had the birthday celebrations. they said my last name wrong. i've worked there for 3 1/2 months now, so i feel as if the time to correct someone on how to say it has passed. reminds me of that friends episode where chandler never corrected the guy in his office that his name wasn't toby, and then like five years later he still gets called that. except this is my whole office, not one person. oh well. at least no one uses my last name all that much.
Monday, September 11, 2006
as some may know, tomorrow is my birthday. i've noticed over the past few years that birthdays aren't quite as exciting as they used to be. all part of getting older i'm sure.
last year was kind of miserable off and on throughout the day for reasons i will not write here. and this will be my first birthday when none of my close friends are around. and yeah, i know, the argentinian is here. but that's not what i mean. even though i have friends here, none of the people i've known forever are around. it's kind of weird. cause at least one of them has always been around. not that i think that it will be a bad birthday or that i'll be upset over it. i'm sure i'll be fine. it's just kind of different.


sometimes i feel bad when i slack off at work. sometimes i don't. like when for the last 20 or so minutes i keep hearing a co-worker commenting on how she is trying to figure out if a character on blue's clues is a girl or boy. then i don't feel so bad about reading celebrity gossip on the company dime.
throw down at the microwave
so last week at work i was making my lunch. by making my lunch i mean putting some water in the cup-o-noodles cup. this lady sees me doing this, yet proceeds to put her bowl of rice in the microwave. i look at her, and i don't say anything, as i don't want to be known as the office bitch or anything. but she sees me just standing there the whole time she is microwaving her food. i mean shouldn't you ask someone if they are going to use the microwave before just plopping your food in when you see them with a microwavable food?
Friday, September 08, 2006
yesterday at work, though it was a long day, was not all that bad. i think i wasted like half an hour talking to my boss and a couple othe rpeople in my little "pod". i really welcome any wasted time while i'm at work. that's partly why i am writing this blog now, as opposed to on my own time at home. it's more enjoyable when i'm not having to do work, and i am technically getting paid to write this blog (though my work just doesn't necessarily know it), if you really want to look at it that way. which i know is a stretch.
i slept at the argentinian's house last night when i wasn't planning to, and therefore had no clothes to wear to work in the morning. so i had to wake up at the ungodly time of 6:20 am to go home and get dressed so i could get to work at a time that i found early enough to hopefully make the day seem not quite as long. i think i'm going to miss the summer hours now that i can't have them. they didn't seem like that big a deal at the time. but now that they are gone, i think i'm going to dislike having to work until almost 4 pm every friday.
i can't believe that working is my life now. i mean my job's not that bad, and i get paid an ok amount. but sometimes when i think how this is what i'm going to be doing every day, except for like two days a week, for almost the rest of my life (or at least some really long undetermined amount of time), it makes me feel a little depressed. i don't know that i really want to be sitting in a cubicle my whole adult life.
i slept at the argentinian's house last night when i wasn't planning to, and therefore had no clothes to wear to work in the morning. so i had to wake up at the ungodly time of 6:20 am to go home and get dressed so i could get to work at a time that i found early enough to hopefully make the day seem not quite as long. i think i'm going to miss the summer hours now that i can't have them. they didn't seem like that big a deal at the time. but now that they are gone, i think i'm going to dislike having to work until almost 4 pm every friday.
i can't believe that working is my life now. i mean my job's not that bad, and i get paid an ok amount. but sometimes when i think how this is what i'm going to be doing every day, except for like two days a week, for almost the rest of my life (or at least some really long undetermined amount of time), it makes me feel a little depressed. i don't know that i really want to be sitting in a cubicle my whole adult life.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
today feels so blah
today has been going by so slowly. i got up at 6:30 am for one. so i've been at work since 7:15 am. just doing the most mundane tasks. every now and then i look around the little "pod" (my work's word, not mine) of cubicles, everyone has such a blank/bored look to them. at least i'm not the only one. also adding to my sense of blah, i checked my bank account this morning, and am shocked to see that i have hardly any money in there. well...at least after my rent check goes through. i mean yeah some of it got transfered to my savings, so i transfered some back. and i did go shopping and spend maybe a tiny bit too much. but still. at least i know i have $300 coming my way soon. that'll be nice. add a bit of cushion. i was doing so well with my finances. i probably just got over-confident in my saving ability. now i fear i will actually have to dip into said savings. so sad. because not only do i have bills to pay, but the added expense of buying a new tire since mine was popped by a mystery item on the freeway yesterday. i'm going to end this, cuase i'm just rambling off complaints pretty much, and that's lame.
Friday, September 01, 2006
and they're off
i went to my work's "day at the races" yesterday. i had always wanted to go to the race track (horse, not nascar), so i was pretty excited about going. while i had a good time, and it was fun and all of that, there was an awful lot of down time between each race. not quite as fast paced as it appears on tv or the movies. but i still had fun, and got free food and drinks. which is always nice. i didn't actually bet on any of the races either. i'm sure that wouldhave added to the excitment a little more, but i kind of like keeping my money so i can spend it on stuff like clothes or movies or going out (as opposed to practical things like bills, buying gas, and worst of all - food. i seriously wish my body didn't need food so i wouldn't have to waste money on it). there was a serious lack of people in the fancy hats and all of that which i always pictured would be rather abundant at the race track. though turns out it was probably cause we were in the area where no self respecting uber-rich person would probably hang out. walking out past the valet area i did see some people in hats and fancy dress.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
music: part two

i know there was no official part one, but i was referring to the one about broadway musicals. i think, for the most part, that i've moved on from the musicals, since i've listened to them all. i've moved on to a new genre. that genre is music i haven't listened to in a long time a.k.a. 90s music a.k.a. music i don't want to listen to too loudly cause it's embarrassing*.

*note: to clarify i do not find all music from the 90s to be embarrassing to have others hear you listen to. but we've all got our guilty pleasures. britney spears, justin timberlake: the early years a.k.a. n sync, now that's what i call music (why i bought any of those i do not know. maybe i was not yet the mixmaster i am today, and could not burn my own mix cd of favorite songs) just to name a few.

thoughts in a bagel shop
so i went down to get a bagel this morning, and was reading through the horoscopes they have taped up to the cash register. here's mine:
The conventional wisdom is not to burn your bridges, but if no bridge were ever burned, you'd be stuck with old, decrepit bridges and no room to build new ones.
i don't really put much stock in the whole horoscope thing (though this really seems to be more advice than telling my fortune or something), but i got to thinking about this, while waiting for my bagel. it totally makes sense. i thought particularly in regards to relationships. if you hold on to the past so much, and all of the things that happened, and how much you did or did not get hurt, then you won't be able to effectively move forward with someone new. maybe everyone doesn't have problems with that, but i do, and some of my friends do (we all know who we are). i know i'll probably never be able to just forget everything i've been through, and i probably wouldn't want to since it's made me who i am. but maybe i'll be able to not let it still affect me, and how i respond to certain situations. cause obviously EVERY guy can't always turn out bad, or go back on what they say. otherwise, how would you explain the growing number of my friends who are getting engaged?
The conventional wisdom is not to burn your bridges, but if no bridge were ever burned, you'd be stuck with old, decrepit bridges and no room to build new ones.
i don't really put much stock in the whole horoscope thing (though this really seems to be more advice than telling my fortune or something), but i got to thinking about this, while waiting for my bagel. it totally makes sense. i thought particularly in regards to relationships. if you hold on to the past so much, and all of the things that happened, and how much you did or did not get hurt, then you won't be able to effectively move forward with someone new. maybe everyone doesn't have problems with that, but i do, and some of my friends do (we all know who we are). i know i'll probably never be able to just forget everything i've been through, and i probably wouldn't want to since it's made me who i am. but maybe i'll be able to not let it still affect me, and how i respond to certain situations. cause obviously EVERY guy can't always turn out bad, or go back on what they say. otherwise, how would you explain the growing number of my friends who are getting engaged?
a misunderstanding

i was waiting in the elevator area of my work earlier this morning. the light for the down button does not work anymore on our floor. so this guy comes into the elevator lobby, and pushes the button a few times.
"the light doesn't work here anymore?" he asks me.
"well, i'm not just standing here for nothing, without pushing the button," i answer.
then he says, "well, you're new, maybe you don't know what's going on."
"yeah," i laugh. "using elevators is a real weakness of mine."
Friday, August 25, 2006
i'm going crazy
so today i woke up, and for some crazy reason, i was really in the mood to listen to some soundtracks. not like movie soundtracks necessarily. but broadway musical soundtracks. it is the most bizarre thing. so that's what i've been listening to all day. a compilation cd of like the "best" of andrew lloyd webber, evita, chicago, this other compilation of songs, and moulin rouge (yes i know, a movie soundtrack, not broadway). i was kind of bummed to find out i left a couple at home that i was kind of wanting to listen to. and i'm kind of embarrassed to admit that i own so many soundtracks from broadway musicals, but oh well. it's not like i hide them behind books in my cd collection. a girl's entitled to like a musical now and then. i wonder how long this phase will last.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
i wonder...
Monday, August 21, 2006
he's too sweet
sometimes the argentinian is so sweet i can't get over it. i spent the night at his house on saturday. and after he put off getting up and doing some work, he finally got out of bed. i, on the other hand, stayed in bed and planned to fall back asleep. i heard him in the kitchen, i assumed making coffee for himself, and drifted back to sleep. a little while later (i thought at least a half hour, but apparently it was more like 10 minutes) he comes back in the room, and says, "i made you something." i sleepily roll over, and he's made me pancakes and fruit. and he even lets me eat them in his bed.
i'm not sure exactly how much i believe in the whole concept of karma. it does seem to be true occasionally. the whole-what-goes-around-comes-around concept can't be all wrong. especially when people can make it happen...
so here's what happened, the reason for that whole little blurb up there. the argentinian and i were laying around talking the other night. i am not sure how it even came up, but we were talking about babies or something like that, not us having babies, but just in general. that is until he says something, i forget exactly what, implying he wants to have one now (not like at that minute, but you get what i mean). i am just like, "what?!?" he finds my flustered reaction funny, and starts laughing. i was caught totally offguard, cause what guy jokes about wanting a baby? i have never felt more like a guy in any of my relationships than i did in that one moment. so a few days later we were going to meet a friend from sacramento for breakfast, and i was having trouble deciding what to wear. i put on this one shirt, which is empire-waisted, and so kind of poofs out a bit. i ask him if it makes me look in the beginning stages of pregnancy, and to give his honest opinion. he actually tells me yes. which i'm glad he is honest. i'm like, "ok, i'm going to change. i'll just save this until i actually am pregnant. in like five months." he says, "what? no." i fake sadness and say, "you wouldn't want to have a baby with me? that's so mean." which he takes me all serious and tells me no, it's not that. he just doesn't want one now. and something that we would have a cute baby. i tell him it is just a joke, and to just relax. i had to balance things out.
so here's what happened, the reason for that whole little blurb up there. the argentinian and i were laying around talking the other night. i am not sure how it even came up, but we were talking about babies or something like that, not us having babies, but just in general. that is until he says something, i forget exactly what, implying he wants to have one now (not like at that minute, but you get what i mean). i am just like, "what?!?" he finds my flustered reaction funny, and starts laughing. i was caught totally offguard, cause what guy jokes about wanting a baby? i have never felt more like a guy in any of my relationships than i did in that one moment. so a few days later we were going to meet a friend from sacramento for breakfast, and i was having trouble deciding what to wear. i put on this one shirt, which is empire-waisted, and so kind of poofs out a bit. i ask him if it makes me look in the beginning stages of pregnancy, and to give his honest opinion. he actually tells me yes. which i'm glad he is honest. i'm like, "ok, i'm going to change. i'll just save this until i actually am pregnant. in like five months." he says, "what? no." i fake sadness and say, "you wouldn't want to have a baby with me? that's so mean." which he takes me all serious and tells me no, it's not that. he just doesn't want one now. and something that we would have a cute baby. i tell him it is just a joke, and to just relax. i had to balance things out.
Friday, August 18, 2006
dear god, this isn't a parachute, it's a knapsack!
we had our office birthday celebrations for august this week. i found out that it was someone in our groups birthday afterwards (they had forgotten his name on the list). we sat around and were talking about an upcoming trip of his, and he mentioned some movie, which i thought was from the early 80s. i said something along the lines of, "oh yeah, i've heard of that movie, it's pretty old." turns out it's not quite as old as i thought. it's from the 90s. but anyways...they were like, "oh, you think we're old." i kept trying to deny that i thought they were old. i said how i thought the movie was a lot older, and while that is not old for a person, it is kind of old for a movie. i felt like i kept digging myself deeper. a few days later in our team meeting it came up again. i told him again that i didn't think he was old. my boss then wanted me to tell a joke, i had none. see what happens when you try to talk to your co-workers? you end up accidentally insinuating that they are old, and they bring it up (jokingly at least) for the rest of the week.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

so this sunday was the season finale of the simple life: til death do us part. (very disappointing since right when paris and nicole confront each other it cuts off to a "TO BE CONTINUED"...basically you saw the whole "confrontation" in the previews.) over the last couple of weeks i've watched it with the argentinian since p. bear (old roommate, who i sometimes refer to as my roommate to my new roommate, which makes me feel bad) is no longer present to watch it with. at first i felt that perhaps he was bored or unimpressed with the mindless tv show. he doesn't even have cable or a tv hooked up in his house. their tv is in a closet, rolled out only for watching on special occasions (just my assumptions). so imagine my joy when yesterday the argentinian tells me he likes the simple life and when does the next new episode come on. i was sad to tell him not til next season. the last one was the season finale. his "oh" had a hint of disappointment. we do have differing opinions on who we prefer. he prefers paris, saying that nicole is so reckless and wild. i prefer nicole, cause i think she is much more entertaining, and not as bitchy about the whole feud as paris. he does not, however, care all that much about the girls next door, the other show on E! featuring hugh hefner's three girlfriends. which i find a bit surprising since there are girls in their underwear all the time on that show. that's the extent of our "disagreements" though. E! television. and even then, they are not real disagreements. he's so drama-free it boggles my mind.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
so the argentinian met my dad this weekend. he has now officially met my parents. i think it went well. he was so cute and unsure what to wear. i told him it didn't matter, that he could just wear a t-shirt and flip flops. he put on this casual jacket/blazer like thing. i was like, "are you kidding me? it's so hot out. take that jacket off. don't be ridiculous, you don't need to worry about how you look so much." we were both not feeling too well from the night before. (note to self: do not attend a going away party the night before introducing new boyfriend to father) but despite that, things were good. we went to get some breakfast at this place near the argentinian's house. not bad. sadly my dad could not stay long. it was only about an hour visit. so that just leaves me meeting his parents...which luckily won't happen for a little while as i will not be in argentina any time too soon.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
learned something new this weekend
greek food and alcohol do not mix well for me. the combination makes me sick. sick out of no where
related side note only some will understand: he must really like me after the mortifying thing i did, and he still wants to hang out.
related side note only some will understand: he must really like me after the mortifying thing i did, and he still wants to hang out.
game over
i'm calling it a tie. i have found the key to getting a successful nights sleep with the argentinian. surprisingly it is not one of us sleeping on the couch. i already feel more rested.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
new roommate
my new roommate is coming today. i'm a little nervous. what if we have absolutely nothing in common, and nothing to really talk about. my worst nightmare. i've never lived with someone i knew nothing about before. i've been at the very least an acquaintance with them. plus i still have some stuff in her room that needs to be moved. the argentinian and i were going to move it last night, but never got around to it. (get your minds out of the gutter, we were just too lazy/tired to move the stuff. i mean you p.bear...) i tried moving the dresser myself, and i got like maybe 3 feet, and gave up. i'm waiting til someone else gets here so i don't have to drag it all the way across the apartment. i should probably get back to work cleaning up...
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
proof at a certain age you should stop going to bars
a coworker of mine went to a bar over the weekend. well, a group of them did actually, and since i was out of town, i did not join them. she is probably in her late 30s or early 40s. not prime going out age. she ended up falling (or something, no one is quite sure how it happened) and breaking her ankle. she had to get surgery for said injury, and is now not coming into work for a while, because she'd have to be in a wheel chair. i know deep down age doesn't really have anything to do with it...but it kind of just proves my point.
the aftermath

so the weekend went really well. my mom liked him, my friends liked him as far as i can tell, and he liked everyone he met too. we had a really good time. we went to old town/downtown. hung out with some of my guy friends at shakers on friday night, and the girls at mandango's on saturday night. the drive wasn't too bad either. though we did end up going on the wrong freeway at one point cause he was trying to take a picture of something (i have no clue what). but other than that the drive went pretty smoothly. it went better than i thought it would have gone. so that's a definite plus.
tmi: work edition
i know that if you are in an elevator alone with a coworker you are obligated to make small talk with each other. but please, don't bring up that you've been in several different positions cause you keep getting "layed off" in response to "how long have you been working here?" or that they "keep trying to get rid of [you]haha." it is just awkward. and i don't know how to respond, except with forced nervous laughter.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
going home
tomorrow i am going home for the weekend. the argentinian is coming with me. i am both relaxed about this, and nervous. i figure things will either go really well, or possibly be rather awkward. i don't know why i have these two extremes in my head. i'm hoping for the former. he's already met a couple of my friends that we will be hanging out with up there. there are others he has not met. those are ones who could make for a potentially awkward situation. though i'm hoping it won't come down to that. so far nothing has been said to indicate that they will behave badly. should be an interesting weekend.
a treaty
news from the war zone also known as my bed: a successful full nights sleep was acheived. no rolling on top of anyone, or flailing arms to be seen. i don't know if this will be a temporary thing, or permanent. but i'm really pulling for permanent. i like my sleep. side note: i believe the argentinan and i became "official"* last night. i'm pleased. even though "the talk" was a little awkward in it's roots, it was no where near as bad as it could have been.
*for actual embarrassing details, contact the author
*for actual embarrassing details, contact the author
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
bed wars: 2nd edition
the argentinian spent the night last night. the first time since the rolling-on-top-of-me incident. from the title i'm sure you can tell it did not go well. i'll put aside the fact that he kept me up a little longer than i wanted to stay up. that is forgivable. no hard feelings. we settle into bed, him right up against me (of course). but this time i planned ahead. i started out in the middle of the bed, thinking that later in the night i could always roll away if i needed a little more space. my plan seemed to be working. there was even eventually a little space between us every now and then. an occasional arm would find it's way over onto me, but i brushed it off with ease. until, that is, the whole body seemed to find it's way over to my side of the bed (i had since moved over to my side). i opened my eyes and looked over, and noticed how little space i had. i was going to just maybe go lay on the other side of the bed, but upon further inspection, the argentinian's leg was occupying that side. he would roll a little closer, and i would nudge him away. this happened a couple times. finally, i accepted defeat, and went and slept the remainder of the night on the couch (which i really didn't mind since i voluntarily sleep on it all the time).
argentina: 1
germany: 1
argentina: 1
germany: 1
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
empty apartment
so my roommate moved out this weekend. she's going on to grad school back east. it's kind of weird not having a roommate again. i didn't have one for a couple years before moving down here, and was fine with it. but now after 7 months being thrown back into the no roommate situation is kind of weird. in some respects it is nice. i don't need to worry about picking up after myself in a timely manner, i can watch whatever i want (though we pretty much always wanted to watch the same thing: golden girls, E!, or something like that), among other living alone perks. but it is balanced out by the not having some one to constantly talk to and hang out with. definitely an adjustment. though the argentinian has been over a considerable amount keeping me company, which is nice. so at least i'm not always alone in the apartment. since she had a lot of furniture already in the apartment when i moved in i did not bother bringing down most of mine, save for a couch and furniture for my bedroom. so now my apartment is not only empty due to a lack of a roommate (the new one is not arriving until the 10th) but is lacking in furniture and decorations. i'm trying to slowly put up some pictures, and look around for some furniture that is both stylish and affordable. my bedroom is similarly decorated at the moment. i have only moved my bed in there and some night stands. as well as a few pictures, mainly contained in the sink/shower area however. hopefully the place will be presentable before anyone sees it.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
wtf?: weather edition
san diego's been having some crazy weather. the last couple of days it's been overcast. it even started raining yesterday (exactly when i decided to walk over to the mall to get a smoothy). i wouldn't be surprised if it rained again today. it's so muggy out. but the whole weekend it was so hot. people were actually dying from the heat. sleeping was near impossible.
the argentinian ended up staying at my place this weekend since we had already fallen asleep on the couch. i wasn't going to send him home at two in the morning. so we go to lay down, cuddled up next to each other (as it was night time it was not quite so sweltering). usually, at least in my experience, after so long of being right up next to each other you kind of roll to your respective sides. this did not happen. not that i minded, it was nice. until, that is, the early morning hours when it began to get hot in my room. but it was not unbearable. i fell back asleep. i was later awoken around i'm guessing 7 or 8 in the morning by him (i'm assuming half asleep) rolling further over to where he is partially on top of me. in my half asleep state i (probably in a slightly annoyed tone) said, "what are you doing?" and pretty much literally pushed him off me. i later felt bad that i was a little rude about it. had it been winter, or even fall, i'm sure i wouldn't have minded. but in the middle of a heat wave, when we have no air conditioning, i can't handle it politely. i can tell we may have a few more battles over bed space before it's all said and done.
the argentinian ended up staying at my place this weekend since we had already fallen asleep on the couch. i wasn't going to send him home at two in the morning. so we go to lay down, cuddled up next to each other (as it was night time it was not quite so sweltering). usually, at least in my experience, after so long of being right up next to each other you kind of roll to your respective sides. this did not happen. not that i minded, it was nice. until, that is, the early morning hours when it began to get hot in my room. but it was not unbearable. i fell back asleep. i was later awoken around i'm guessing 7 or 8 in the morning by him (i'm assuming half asleep) rolling further over to where he is partially on top of me. in my half asleep state i (probably in a slightly annoyed tone) said, "what are you doing?" and pretty much literally pushed him off me. i later felt bad that i was a little rude about it. had it been winter, or even fall, i'm sure i wouldn't have minded. but in the middle of a heat wave, when we have no air conditioning, i can't handle it politely. i can tell we may have a few more battles over bed space before it's all said and done.
Monday, July 24, 2006
warning: south americans may cause excessive going out
as some may know, i started seeing an argentinian. it started off quietly enough. meeting for coffee a few times. watching him play soccer with his friends at a park (and dragging the roommate with me so i would not be obligated to play). never staying out too late (except, of course, the night i forgot my keys and had to call my roommate to let me in after she was already asleep). perhaps we were both trying to keep our social dispositions hidden until we could feel each other out. in all honesty, i hadn't been going out (to bars and the like) except for on the weekends since moving down here, and not even every weekend at that. i'd really been out of commission, and out of practice of staying out late, and getting up early. over the last week or so that has all changed. the night it all began is the night we went to the airport lounge a little over a week ago. he had gotten us on the list to get in free (i love getting in places for free) since he knew i had been wanting to go there and check it out. side note: i really enjoyed airport lounge, and would recommend it. so we're there til it closes, and ended up getting invited to some after-party place. i don't get home til like 4:30/5 in the morning. good thing it was a friday. the next week we go out several times, ranging from little local bars, to clubs downtown, to house parties over the weekend. all this has left me a little worn out at the start of a new work week. even after taking 2 benedryls last night and going to sleep by around 11 p.m. i'm still pretty tired, and couldn't manage to get up at my desired time. but i'm not complaining. cause overall, i've been having a lot of fun. it's better than staying home and watching tv (though i did do that all day on sunday, neglecting my laundry for yet another day).
Thursday, July 20, 2006
an open letter to my co-workers
sorry, to all of you sitting fairly near me, who have mysteriously seemed to develop a cough or stuffy nose over the last few days. it wasn't on purpose.
embarrassing moment # 7,653
there's nothing quite like having a nice, quiet moment over at someone's house you have just started to kind of see, kind of drifting off to sleep, and then being woken up. by snoring...that is your own. damn you nasal congestion...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
missing: un ours de papa
the last couple days my roommate has been training a girl to take her place at work. this has occupied much of her time, and computer, as the other girl is using it all day. you may not think this would not affect me much, as we do not work in the same office. but it does. not only have my days seemed a little longer, but i'm pretty sure my productivity has gone up a little (except for the times i neglect work for probably a little too long to read gawker or some similar site). it makes me worry for when she has moved back east, and will be in class, and therefore not available even a little to chat all day long over gmail's instant messenger service. how will i survive? i don't know that i will. life in a cubicle is hard enough already...
Thursday, July 06, 2006

being female, and the kind that likes to go out and have fun every so often, i have come to expect a certain amount of attention from guys. sometimes this attention is welcome. it can provide whole weekends in vegas without buying a single drink, getting to know good looking foreign men, one guy has gone so far as to offer to fly me out to see him (which by the way i have absolutely no intention of doing, i'm not crazy, along with that i am not interested in him).
but occasionally, you get attention you don't want. unwanted phone calls, text messages, and things of that sort when you give out your number to avoid the awkwardness of just saying no. there's always two sides to every coin.
today i received some unwanted attention. i wasn't even in a bar or club, which made it even more unwanted. i was walking back to work from subway on my lunch when some kid (seriously he was maybe 15) turns around from walking in front of me and starts asking me my name. after pretending not to hear him he asks, "what? you're just going to ignore me?" so i just say, "oh, sorry. were you talking to me?" at this point his friend starts laughing at him. i wanted to be like, kid, i'm way too old for you. probably almost 10 years older than you. i also wanted to say that if he thinks he can just start talking to me, i also have the option to just not pay attention to him. i didn't however. i will admit that i do not look my age. but i do not in ANY way look like i could be in the age range of girls who would give this guy the time of day. he looked like a freshman in high school. guys puzzle me. if a girl is not in some way giving you the go ahead, like occasionally glancing/looking at you or something like that, you might just be better off walking down the street and leaving her alone. at least then your friends won't laugh at you.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
my new laundry system

i have never been a fan of doing laundry. especially PAYING to do laundry. which for the last couple weeks i have had to do since i am no longer with former boyfriend (i knew i should've done more laundry the last time i did it there). with my impending trip to vegas this weekend i obviously need lots of fabulous clothes to take with me. so...have i slowly been working my way through the mountain of clothes that is my laundry? no. of course not. that would be much too economical. instead, i have gone out and bought more clothes. more clothes to put in my closets (that's right, more than one) that are already full and bursting with clothes. last night when i was shopping, at the second or third store i was at, i was at the counter making my purchase. i decided a pair of pants were a little more than i wanted to pay (not that they were even that much), so i told the sales girl i didn't want them. it was hard to do. so hard, in fact, that i am sitting here at my desk wearing said pants. i think i have a real problem. part out of being lazy, and part out of not being able to say no.
Thursday, June 15, 2006

a friend of mine passed away the other night. when i got the news i honestly couldn't believe it, cause i had just talked to him the night/morning it happened. it turns out that within an hour after our conversation he died. it kind of shook me up a bit, cause it made me realize how quickly you can lose someone. and that you should really cherish the people you are friends with, cause you never know when the last time you see them will be. i'm glad i was able to see him a few days earlier, and also talk to him one last time.
things i'll miss:
1. the random text messages and phone calls i'd get out of nowhere.
2. the cheesy dancing behind the bar.
3. the stupid/funny things you'd do to get people to laugh (i still laugh remembering some of the things you did that first time i went to your house). you kept me laughing even up to the last time we talked.
4. the unexplainable admiration/love for james garner.
5. that you always made my drinks just right, and that you rolled your eyes at me if i ever said they were too strong, and you had to water them down.
of course there are other things i'll miss. these are just a few of what comes to mind at the moment. we'll all miss you. you are gone much too soon.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
my plans
i find myself with a lot of free time this weekend. alone free time, as the roommate has gone out of town. i have decided to use this time to try and cheer myself up. i can do or watch whatever i want, and just take time to make myself happy since i haven't been in that great of a mood lately. so far, so good. i've watched tons of awful-yet-good tv. taken a nap. have the new us weekly and so i think that i have at least one day's worth of activities. sunday i'm driving up north a little ways for one of my good friend's graduations. so hopefully that will be fun. so i'm looking forward to a relaxing, and hopefully rejuvenating weekend. i could really use one.
Friday, June 09, 2006
a new sighting!
i came across talks to himself guy. he was not talking to himself. but he had a shit load of laundry. (we were in the laundry room). at first he was alone, being completely mute, and sans his always moving lips. then who is either his mom or maybe a wife/girlfriend (though i suspect a mom) was there with him. i couldn’t make out the name she called him. he literally spoke maybe 10 words the whole half hour we were in that little room together. and...all he did was stand and kept the door leading to outside open (which i did NOT appreciate since it was cold). his mom person did all the work, which took up every washing mashine. there are six i believe. him and g.c.m. confuse me so much.
Monday, June 05, 2006
i'm just like nancy drew
aside from spending some much needed time with my girlfriends this weekend, i did a little detective work. it all started on saturday when i saw g.c.m. walking out of the building in the back parking lot. he was walking out to this car parked directly behind mine. i now knew where his parking spot, and also which part of the building he lived in. he was coming out to meet an older gentleman. hard to tell if it is a father or a roommate. could g.c.m. be gay? maybe...i can't rule it out yet. i also found out what kind of car he has, which according to the stickers, he is a fan of both the chargers, and golf. upon my roommate's and my inspection of his car it was totally empty save a roll of paper towels. later in the day my roommate said the car was full of stuff. very peculiar. i will crack this mystery of g.c.m.
the joys of the work lunch
today was the lunch for my team at work. i had many thoughts about this. and fears. i have heard the awkwardness that accompanies these types of get togethers from my roommate, and experienced a few myself over the last few months. but what happened today was not what i expected. instead of awkward silence, and people just pushing their food around, everyone was talking. i instead encountered a different type of terror. the "work tmi". why do people feel the need to share so much about their personal lives. i understand somethings you can share. i get it. you want people to get to know about you. but i don't really need to know all about how about people getting drunk and stuff like that. unnecessary.
finally some answers
i saw the former boyfriend today. i had to go pick up my things from his house. not something i was looking forward to, but at the same time i was hoping it would provide me with some answers, and i wanted to see him one more time before he left for 2 1/2 months. i am happy to say that i did get some answers. while i wish we were still together, i at least now know what is going on, and understand, and can begin to make my peace with it. i know that we will at least be able to be friends, and who knows, maybe more someday. but i realize at the same time that i can't put my hopes in that cause i could end up getting hurt if i make that assumption. so i guess i'm just going to take a we'll see where we both are when the time comes stance on it. i just kind of wished i had know the real reasons from the beginning, instead of feeling like shit all weekend, and wondering what the hell was wrong with me that this has happened for a second time. so after talking to him i really feel a lot better. perhaps too optimistic about things, but at least it is a step to healing.
Friday, June 02, 2006
i have some of the best friends
i've had a pretty shitty last couple of days. the boyfriend and i broke up, via email, and i feel like i don't really have any clear answers. while i respect his decision to not want to date me anymore(it's not like i can argue my way back into him wanting to be with me), i don't quite know how to handle that i have no real reason. something else i don't know how to handle is that i am basically in the same fucking situation i was in a year ago. not exactly the same, cause while it was through an email, at least this guy had enough courage to break up with me instead of treating me like shit until I had to break up with him. i wish i were more mad so i could just get over it, we could move on to being just friends, and we'd all be happy. but as of now, i'm not mad. i don't know that i'll ever really be mad at him for it. but i guess the nice thing about all that is, is that i have all my friends who have decided to be mad for me. the same one who was the one who was telling me not to worry that it would all work out is now one of the ones who is the most upset for me. i don't know what i would do without such good friends. i know there are those of you who felt i shouldn't be with him in the first place, but it means a lot that you are still there for me so much while i'm trying to deal with this. you've really been helpful to me, whether you know it or not. as soon as you found out you practically had a whole weekend of plans for me to keep me occupied and try to cheer me up. i'm very grateful for that. others of you have been on call for me whenever i needed to talk. you listened when i was just a mess and did everything you could to make me feel better. for all these things i just want to say thank you.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
summer time is here

big love is having it's season finale this week. i have come to love this show. despite that i am kind of over the whole roman story-line, it is still an excellent show. i am sad that the last show i watch is having it's finale now. what will i do for entertainment until i get paid? at least the weather is finally getting better. at least i can lay out. i am sad i won't have the carefree kind of summer i had last summer. i didn't have to worry about working every day. it was much more relaxing. but now i have to work every week day. hopefully i'll at least have enough energy to go out and have fun...anything to pass the time and keep my mind off of things. that's what i want most this summer. just like last summer.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
what happened to you guys?
i just want to start this off saying i don’t live in some bad neighborhood.
that being said...two of the more interesting people who live in my apartments have either gone m.i.a., or cleaned up their act.
golf club man...what happened to you? you are always sans golf club now. to the point i almost feel weird calling you g.c.m. not only have you lost your trademark golf club, but you are out and about during the day time. not creepily appearling out of nowhere at night. and you’ve shaved. and apparently gotten some new clothes. or at least washed the ones you used to have. and did you get a new hair cut? i barely recognized you in the hall the other day. i didn’t feel disturbed by our exchange of greetings at all. i miss the old g.c.m. the one i suspected of dealing drugs in the area. it gave me and the roommate something interesting to talk about when we spotted you.
and talks to himself guy...you’ve totally gone m.i.a. either me or the roommate used to bump into you at least weekly. you always moving your mouth with barely intelligible talking coming out. i haven’t seen you in weeks. was g.c.m. your dealer, and now that he’s cleaned up his act, you have too? i just don’t know what’s going on. me and the roommate are a little worried. come back you guys.
that being said...two of the more interesting people who live in my apartments have either gone m.i.a., or cleaned up their act.
golf club man...what happened to you? you are always sans golf club now. to the point i almost feel weird calling you g.c.m. not only have you lost your trademark golf club, but you are out and about during the day time. not creepily appearling out of nowhere at night. and you’ve shaved. and apparently gotten some new clothes. or at least washed the ones you used to have. and did you get a new hair cut? i barely recognized you in the hall the other day. i didn’t feel disturbed by our exchange of greetings at all. i miss the old g.c.m. the one i suspected of dealing drugs in the area. it gave me and the roommate something interesting to talk about when we spotted you.
and talks to himself guy...you’ve totally gone m.i.a. either me or the roommate used to bump into you at least weekly. you always moving your mouth with barely intelligible talking coming out. i haven’t seen you in weeks. was g.c.m. your dealer, and now that he’s cleaned up his act, you have too? i just don’t know what’s going on. me and the roommate are a little worried. come back you guys.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye
i have completed my last day at the clothing company job. it was a good run...a boring run for the most part. with my departure, which they probably don't even know about, i take some fond memories. the awkward lunch when the vp decided to show up with everyone else (got to love those company luncheons). moving papers around to appear busy since boss sits RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. not being able to blog nor check my regular email account. and last, and definitely not least, the sample sale...i will miss that the most, though it only comes once a season i am guessing...
Monday, May 22, 2006
this is the last time, i swear (for a while at least...)
so i have an even newer job now. i don't start until next tuesday, but i can't wait. this is finally a job that i went to school for. i'm so glad, cause i am figuring out this job i have right now, not so much what i want to be doing as a career. not only is it more money so i will finally feel like i don't have to worry about that (and even get to save up some), but i will also have benefits, which is nice. it's close to home and everything. and it is a great stepping stone to maybe move on to something i'll love even more. i was kind of worried that i wouldn't find something that i really wanted to do as a job as it has never really appealed to me all that much. but i think this is something that i can be happy with, and maybe even enjoy going to work every day (or at least most days).
Friday, May 19, 2006
i can't wait to see her handle two babies

twice in one week. first the car seat incident, now she almost drops little sean preston. she already previously drove with him on her lap. i'm going to overlook that he fell from his high chair or something at home. she seems to not have really anything to do with that. you can't imagine how sad i was when i found out britney was pregnant again. she is turning into such a disaster.
those camden's just won't go away

so 7th heaven was over. series finale and everything. i was not in the least bit broken up about this. it's about time was more like my reaction. but then the other day i find out that the new cw network has renewed the show, and is bringing it back. is that even possible? i mean the story was wrapped up, over. how does 7th heaven stay on, but w&g is over. it's just not right.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
the end of an era...

tonight is a sad night. it is the last episode of will & grace...EVER. roommate and i are very sad. excited to see how it will end, but devastated to actually see it go. practically all my favorite shows are off the air now. friends, sex and the city. now w&g.
some quotes:
Jack: 'Oh my god! What if we got trapped up here?! Who would we eat first?'
Will: 'Well Karen's out because there's nothing natural or digestible on her body...and I mean that as a compliment.'
Karen: 'And I took it that way honey.'
Karen: You know what those rocks need? A little Scotch.
Karen: Oh, hello. Zander Freeman, please. Yes, hello, Zander. I have Grace Adler calling. Oh, oh, yes, she's just as beautiful as ever. [laughs] Oh! Oh, that's very sweet! Goodbye!
[Grace motions excitedly to have Karen give her the phone. Grace is shocked when Karen hangs up.]
Karen: [tears up the Rolodex card] He's gotten fat.
Grace: What?! What?! What did you just do?
Karen: Honey, he had the ho, ho, ho, chortle, which basically says, "I'm a fatty now."
Jack: Well it's better than your's! You told the kids that the balloons were made out of candy!
Karen: Hehe...kids are dumb.
Karen: I know what emotion means. It's one of those words that people throw around that don't mean anything. like "maternal" or "addiction".
UPDATE: the series finale was a bit of a let down. now i know they never live up to the expectations you have for them, but this was just awful. my roommate and i were left with an empty feeling afterwards...
Monday, May 15, 2006
out with the old, in with the new

so i have a new job. at a clothing company. so far better than the old job. except for the lack of free food and drinks. but that just might help me get rid of the holiday weight by the 4th of july. or, if i am lucky, by the annual vegas trip. anyways, way off topic there. so i have a new job. it's title suggests i am much more important than i think i actually am in the company. but i get paid more. so i am perhaps a little important. i have an office, which is shared by two other people, one being my supervisor...i guess that's two bad points for the new job now. but still...i actually have work to do. and this job has some other really good perks, such as the discount i will be receiving, and access to the sample sales. even though i don't buy this brand of clothing all that much, with everything $3 and under, you can't say no to it. and also important...i can sleep in a whole hour later. i think that is one of my favorite things about the job.
old guys: wtf?

what is up with old guys. i have written about this before on my myspace blog, but something so horrible happened that it warranted a new post. my roommate and i go out on saturday night to henry's, like we have done many times before. and when roommate goes to get another drink i decide i'll just hang out on the dance floor where we were. what harm could come of it? you might think none, but you would be wrong. within seconds of her leaving a certain older gentleman, who appears to be OLDER than my dad, comes up to me, shakes my hand and then...wait for it...kisses my cheek. and to be honest, it was not a dry kiss. what i want to know is, why? why did this ancient man think that this was ok? i hope others will be saved by my reaction: wiping my cheek and then walking away. but seriously, old guys, if you are reading, stick to your age group.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
something that has become a habit (well sort of, but not really)

so last night i had this dream that i've had a few times before. and i always wake up thinking it's just one of the weirdest dreams. partly because i apparently go crazy in this dream. my family, along with some other older gentleman, who is apparently a family friend or something. i don't know, but he lives with us. and my family isn't my actual family. a different family. the basic gist of the dream is we are trying to secure our house so people can't get in and harm us (i think it's like the nazi's or someother group along those lines). and so we lock all the doors and stuff like that, but they somehow keep getting unlocked. like someone in the house is wanting to let the bad guys in. and it always turns out (i think) that it was the old guy who is doing it. and there is some ribbon of like a grey color you can put on your door handle and you will be safe, but if you put a red one, then you are just doomed. and our grey one keeps getting replaced with a red one as well. so here's where i "go crazy" in the dream. i replace the red ribbon with our grey one, after figuring out it is the old guy, and close and lock the front door. i tell my family we need to lock the rest of the doors, and ask where the old guy is, cause he's the one doing this. they then tell me he died a month ago, and that that whole day (which was like a month ago) went fine cause in the end we got our grey ribbon out there, so they just passed by our house. and then i'm left standing there saying how i'm going crazy, cause i've just been living out that day, and don't remember anything from the last month. it's so weird.
i hope this doesn't become a habit

well...i'm afraid i have a bit of insomnia tonight. i'm just hoping it's a one night deal from being a little stressed out about some things. i really can't be up for nights on end like before. it's been a while though...it's probably due. falling asleep easily was nice. i got used to it. i suppose i could try taking some benedryl like my uncle suggested (he's a doctor). i'll wait a little longer.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
it's time to get some self control
so i've tried to lose the so called "holiday weight" for a while now. and i was starting to think...eh...not that big a deal. maybe i just won't worry about it. that is until this lovely photo was taken of me this past weekend:

for those of you who do not know me, i am not in the early stages of pregnancy. now i'm not sure if it is the angle or what cause in actual life i do not look like this. not even in other pictures from that same day do i look like that. but this was just a sign that it was time, even though it was a bad angle, to suck it up and not eat as much candy/cookie/whatever i want anymore. so far (today at least), so good.

for those of you who do not know me, i am not in the early stages of pregnancy. now i'm not sure if it is the angle or what cause in actual life i do not look like this. not even in other pictures from that same day do i look like that. but this was just a sign that it was time, even though it was a bad angle, to suck it up and not eat as much candy/cookie/whatever i want anymore. so far (today at least), so good.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
i never thought it was true
you know how people say that couples start to look like each other? well i never thought it was true...until last night. the boyfriend came over to spend the night since all of our respective roommates were out of town. i had strategically put lost on before he got there so i could at least watch one of the episodes (i have just bought season one and am therefore obsessed with watching them). now my boyfriend is not what you would call a "tv person". in fact i think in the three months we've been together we have watched like maybe 2 hours of actual television shows. that is a very small amount. especially considering my roommate and i enjoy watching dvd's as one of our favorite pass times. anyways, we ended up watching lost all night...and by we i mean until i ended up practically face down on the couch snoring, and he finally put me to bed. i went to turn off the tv on the way to the bedroom, and he said, "no, leave it on. i'm going to watch some more." puzzled as i was, i was too tired to ask any questions. i woke up the next morning without him in bed next to me. i thought he had maybe left and not told me, which i thought would've been incredibly rude and unlike him. i made my way out to the kitchen, and there was a sight all too familiar to me. i have spent many a night sleeping on that couch. but instead of me, it was my boyfriend. passed out on the couch. the only thing missing was that the tv and dvd player had been turned off. the similarities between us were mounting. watching tv for many hours in a row,eating cake, not bothering to cut a piece off, passing out on the couch. as the weekend went on, something else happened. something that NEVER happens. especially at his house. we ate dinner on the couch to watch tv. i don't know what brought on this change in behavior, but he ended up watching the ENTIRE first season of lost. but it was a pretty good and relaxing weekend, so i'm not going to question it.
Friday, April 28, 2006
we'll see how long this lasts...

i am making my first trip to the gym today...i don't know what to expect. i have been to gyms before obviously, but not like a membership gym. just the ARC at school, and the occasional apartment gym. we'll see how it goes. i have high aspirations of going several times a week. i don't know how long that will last. hopefully long enough to get rid of this holiday weight. though i'm not sure if it is allowed to still be called holiday weight this far into the year. unless it is easter/mother's day holiday weight. either way i am determined to get rid of it. i hit my highest weight ever lately. most of it is located in my ass i have decided, so i'm going to lose it, to the horror of the boyfriend who for some reason prefers it at this larger size (granted he hasn't seen it at it's smaller, more appealing in my opinion, size).
update: i was instantly discouraged by the fact that i didn't even want to have to park far away from the entrance, as the sole purpose of going to the gym is to get in shape. i was about to suck it up and park far away, but at that very moment a spot right up front opened up, and so i took it. it was not bad working out. burning as many calories as i did in the 25 min. i was at the gym was actually nice. and made me feel less bad about the cake i had eaten earlier that day, as well as the cake i planned to eat later on in the evening. i blame my work for having cake and so much left overs that i took a large portion of it home.
bit of happiness
the president ceo of the company just told me i could go home. a whole 15 min. early...even though i should have to stay. he is awesome.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
something i'm really over

i am really over hearing about "tomkat" and their new baby. which the media has decided to dub "tomkitten". but as much as i am over it, i pity the poor kid. tom cruise has turned into such a nut job, and i can't imagine growing up with him as a father. imagine like 13 years from now...that girl has the potential to get teased to no end. though i suppose having tom cruise as a father will provide a little protection, even though he could be the reason behind much of the teasing. i bet celebrity kids don't have to deal with that as much as normal kids. i also think it is ridiculous how much "news" has been put out about the girl's name, suri. all the controversy over what it means and blah blah blah. since when does what a kid's name mean mane news? when people name their kids normal names it isn't accompanied by it's meaning. do people really care what tom cruise's baby's name means? i mean i like celebrity gossip as much as the next person, but this just really seems out of control.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
fancy clothes

apparently i am "dressed up" today. well....at least according to shark man i am (and apparently any other male that works here). he comes up to my desk and asks why i am so dressed up today. i say i don't know. i honestly didn't realize i was dressed up. i work in an office, at the front desk. i usually try to look fairly nice. anyways. so he says, "cause it feels good?" i just smile. what the hell am i supposed to say to that. since when did wearing some sort of scarf turn into being so fancy?
Monday, April 24, 2006
beware the shark

ok...so this guy at my work, who i will refer to as shark man, has suddenly taken a huge interest in my life. my personal life to be more exact. the other day he suddenly started asking me tons of questions about my plans for the weekend, and about my boyfriend, and several other questions that would normally seem harmless except for the weird feeling it gave me. the weirdest part of all, is he asked if i wanted to go to lunch sometime. and to just let him know when i did. i was also told i could call and chat with him if i wanted too. not to mention i felt like he was fishing for me to say i would go see some movie with him. i swear the old guys at my work are so crazy sometimes. another one, out of nowhere, says to me, "you have such a pretty smile." this is a man i thought seemed kind of fatherly. stopping to see how i was doing and stuff like that....not anymore.
what just happened?
so i'm sitting at my desk, doing all sorts of important things such as checking email or reading about a restraining order denise richards has put on charlie sheen, when this guy walks in (not that works here, but does like maintanence or something) and just puts some paper on my desk. he proceeds to walk into the mail room in the middle of my sentence asking what i am supposed to do with said paper. he walks back out and sort of just stares at me when i ask what he wants me to do with this paper, or who it is for. he just says, "sign it." refusing to answer my multiple attempts to figure out who it is for. he then stands by the door waiting for me to let him upstairs...so weird.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
waiting for 5
so i got a job working at a pharmaceuticals company. overall, a very easy job. and it's nice to finally have some real source of income. what i hate: being tired all the time. it seems like i don't have much time just to relax and recouperate before i have to wake up and do the whole thing all over again the next day. the only saving grace is that the people are all really quite nice. without that i think i wouldn't be able to stand it. but every once and a while i realize that i will be working, maybe not at the same company, for the rest of my life basically. or at least a good chunk of it.
i've decided that as far as me owning a car goes, at least in the city of san diego, i am doomed to bad luck. my car had a recent run in...with a wall. i hardly have any problems with my cars when i lived up in sacramento, but whenever i live in san diego suddenly an onslought of problems occur. it's strange.
i've decided that as far as me owning a car goes, at least in the city of san diego, i am doomed to bad luck. my car had a recent run in...with a wall. i hardly have any problems with my cars when i lived up in sacramento, but whenever i live in san diego suddenly an onslought of problems occur. it's strange.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
one of the longest weeks
so for the last week i have not had a car. at first i didn't mind it, and just did stuff around the apartment. plus it was right before the weekend when the car broke down, so the actual weekend erica could still drive us around. now six days later, and much lower on food, i am starting to be a little annoyed at how long it is taking to get the damn thing fixed. even worse, is that a week before it broke down, it was broken into. at the time i was glad that nothing too major was taken. now i wish they had just taken it off of my hands so i wouldn't have to worry about it. but i think if i don't start getting out of the house soon i will go crazy. there are only so many consecutive days you can spend in the house i think. about five or six is my limit. i know i could walk somewhere. it would help me loose the holiday weight i'm working on. which sitting around the house really doesn't help out with in case you were wondering. i end up eating out of boredom. anyways, the closest activity is the mall. and that is just going to make me spend money that i really should be saving for other things. like food or bills.
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