being female, and the kind that likes to go out and have fun every so often, i have come to expect a certain amount of attention from guys. sometimes this attention is welcome. it can provide whole weekends in vegas without buying a single drink, getting to know good looking foreign men, one guy has gone so far as to offer to fly me out to see him (which by the way i have absolutely no intention of doing, i'm not crazy, along with that i am not interested in him).
but occasionally, you get attention you don't want. unwanted phone calls, text messages, and things of that sort when you give out your number to avoid the awkwardness of just saying no. there's always two sides to every coin.
today i received some unwanted attention. i wasn't even in a bar or club, which made it even more unwanted. i was walking back to work from subway on my lunch when some kid (seriously he was maybe 15) turns around from walking in front of me and starts asking me my name. after pretending not to hear him he asks, "what? you're just going to ignore me?" so i just say, "oh, sorry. were you talking to me?" at this point his friend starts laughing at him. i wanted to be like, kid, i'm way too old for you. probably almost 10 years older than you. i also wanted to say that if he thinks he can just start talking to me, i also have the option to just not pay attention to him. i didn't however. i will admit that i do not look my age. but i do not in ANY way look like i could be in the age range of girls who would give this guy the time of day. he looked like a freshman in high school. guys puzzle me. if a girl is not in some way giving you the go ahead, like occasionally glancing/looking at you or something like that, you might just be better off walking down the street and leaving her alone. at least then your friends won't laugh at you.
hahahahaha! you sound kind of stuck up in this blog...hahahaha! i love it.
i learned it from you...
that could be...
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