first off, no, i am not engaged, if the title made any people suspect that is what this was about.
i just overheard a woman at my work announcing to some people she is now engaged. i myself was talking about engagement last night with the argentinian (not in a "we're planning on getting engaged/talking about getting married sort of way"). he tells me, not for the first time, how he wants a girl to propose to him. i tell him how i would never propose to a guy, no matter what.
"why not?" he asks.
"i can't even ask a guy out on a date when i'm single, and you think i could ask someone to marry me? no way. what if the guy said no?" i answer.
cause really, if i'm so afraid to even ask someone out cause i don't want the rejection of asking someone out and them saying no, how horrible would it be to ask someone to spend their life with you and them say no? i think once girls are ready to be married, and are with the right person, they drop little hints to some extent, making it known what they want. do guys do the same thing? i think not. in my personal experience, even when a guy says he could see himself spending his life with you it is not a sure bet. so i think i'm really going to pass on the whole proposing thing. not that i don't admire girls who have done it. good for you. but me, no way. call me traditional, call me what you want, but i want the guy to propose to me.
You should have totally stolen that lady's thunder. You should've announced you were pregnant. That would have been hilarious. J/K. Yeah I agree with you on the proposing thing. I think if a girl asked me I would be intimidated.
yeah, you're no britney spears.
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