
baby development

Monday, July 24, 2006

warning: south americans may cause excessive going out

as some may know, i started seeing an argentinian. it started off quietly enough. meeting for coffee a few times. watching him play soccer with his friends at a park (and dragging the roommate with me so i would not be obligated to play). never staying out too late (except, of course, the night i forgot my keys and had to call my roommate to let me in after she was already asleep). perhaps we were both trying to keep our social dispositions hidden until we could feel each other out. in all honesty, i hadn't been going out (to bars and the like) except for on the weekends since moving down here, and not even every weekend at that. i'd really been out of commission, and out of practice of staying out late, and getting up early. over the last week or so that has all changed. the night it all began is the night we went to the airport lounge a little over a week ago. he had gotten us on the list to get in free (i love getting in places for free) since he knew i had been wanting to go there and check it out. side note: i really enjoyed airport lounge, and would recommend it. so we're there til it closes, and ended up getting invited to some after-party place. i don't get home til like 4:30/5 in the morning. good thing it was a friday. the next week we go out several times, ranging from little local bars, to clubs downtown, to house parties over the weekend. all this has left me a little worn out at the start of a new work week. even after taking 2 benedryls last night and going to sleep by around 11 p.m. i'm still pretty tired, and couldn't manage to get up at my desired time. but i'm not complaining. cause overall, i've been having a lot of fun. it's better than staying home and watching tv (though i did do that all day on sunday, neglecting my laundry for yet another day).

1 comment:

Erica said...

south americans can cause excessive EVERYTHING...