yesterday at work, though it was a long day, was not all that bad. i think i wasted like half an hour talking to my boss and a couple othe rpeople in my little "pod". i really welcome any wasted time while i'm at work. that's partly why i am writing this blog now, as opposed to on my own time at home. it's more enjoyable when i'm not having to do work, and i am
technically getting paid to write this blog (though my work just doesn't necessarily know it), if you really want to look at it that way. which i know is a stretch.
i slept at the argentinian's house last night when i wasn't planning to, and therefore had no clothes to wear to work in the morning. so i had to wake up at the ungodly time of 6:20 am to go home and get dressed so i could get to work at a time that i found early enough to hopefully make the day seem not quite as long. i think i'm going to miss the summer hours now that i can't have them. they didn't seem like that big a deal at the time. but now that they are gone, i think i'm going to dislike having to work until almost 4 pm every friday.
i can't believe that working is my life now. i mean my job's not that bad, and i get paid an ok amount. but sometimes when i think how this is what i'm going to be doing every day, except for like two days a week, for almost the rest of my life (or at least some really long undetermined amount of time), it makes me feel a little depressed. i don't know that i really want to be sitting in a cubicle my whole adult life.