
baby development

Thursday, August 10, 2006

new roommate

my new roommate is coming today. i'm a little nervous. what if we have absolutely nothing in common, and nothing to really talk about. my worst nightmare. i've never lived with someone i knew nothing about before. i've been at the very least an acquaintance with them. plus i still have some stuff in her room that needs to be moved. the argentinian and i were going to move it last night, but never got around to it. (get your minds out of the gutter, we were just too lazy/tired to move the stuff. i mean you p.bear...) i tried moving the dresser myself, and i got like maybe 3 feet, and gave up. i'm waiting til someone else gets here so i don't have to drag it all the way across the apartment. i should probably get back to work cleaning up...


Erica said...

i wasn't going to say anything...

Megan said... when i said something happened that made me like him more, and you immediately thought it was R-rated. haha