
baby development

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

music: part two

i know there was no official part one, but i was referring to the one about broadway musicals. i think, for the most part, that i've moved on from the musicals, since i've listened to them all. i've moved on to a new genre. that genre is music i haven't listened to in a long time a.k.a. 90s music a.k.a. music i don't want to listen to too loudly cause it's embarrassing*. not that the broadway music wasn't embarrassing. but at least that could make me appear cultured, or refined. stuff like hootie and the blowfish does not give off that impression.

*note: to clarify i do not find all music from the 90s to be embarrassing to have others hear you listen to. but we've all got our guilty pleasures. britney spears, justin timberlake: the early years a.k.a. n sync, now that's what i call music (why i bought any of those i do not know. maybe i was not yet the mixmaster i am today, and could not burn my own mix cd of favorite songs) just to name a few.

thoughts in a bagel shop

so i went down to get a bagel this morning, and was reading through the horoscopes they have taped up to the cash register. here's mine:

The conventional wisdom is not to burn your bridges, but if no bridge were ever burned, you'd be stuck with old, decrepit bridges and no room to build new ones.

i don't really put much stock in the whole horoscope thing (though this really seems to be more advice than telling my fortune or something), but i got to thinking about this, while waiting for my bagel. it totally makes sense. i thought particularly in regards to relationships. if you hold on to the past so much, and all of the things that happened, and how much you did or did not get hurt, then you won't be able to effectively move forward with someone new. maybe everyone doesn't have problems with that, but i do, and some of my friends do (we all know who we are). i know i'll probably never be able to just forget everything i've been through, and i probably wouldn't want to since it's made me who i am. but maybe i'll be able to not let it still affect me, and how i respond to certain situations. cause obviously EVERY guy can't always turn out bad, or go back on what they say. otherwise, how would you explain the growing number of my friends who are getting engaged?

a misunderstanding

i was waiting in the elevator area of my work earlier this morning. the light for the down button does not work anymore on our floor. so this guy comes into the elevator lobby, and pushes the button a few times.

"the light doesn't work here anymore?" he asks me.

"well, i'm not just standing here for nothing, without pushing the button," i answer.

then he says, "well, you're new, maybe you don't know what's going on."

"yeah," i laugh. "using elevators is a real weakness of mine."

Friday, August 25, 2006

i'm going crazy

so today i woke up, and for some crazy reason, i was really in the mood to listen to some soundtracks. not like movie soundtracks necessarily. but broadway musical soundtracks. it is the most bizarre thing. so that's what i've been listening to all day. a compilation cd of like the "best" of andrew lloyd webber, evita, chicago, this other compilation of songs, and moulin rouge (yes i know, a movie soundtrack, not broadway). i was kind of bummed to find out i left a couple at home that i was kind of wanting to listen to. and i'm kind of embarrassed to admit that i own so many soundtracks from broadway musicals, but oh well. it's not like i hide them behind books in my cd collection. a girl's entitled to like a musical now and then. i wonder how long this phase will last.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

i wonder...

my company uses really colorful folders. there are hardly any plain beige-y ones that are "normal" folder colors. they are all in pinks, blues, greens, purples, and more. i wonder if this is some sort of attempt to brighten up the workplace. an attempt to make it seem more "fun". cause it doesn't.

Monday, August 21, 2006

he's too sweet

sometimes the argentinian is so sweet i can't get over it. i spent the night at his house on saturday. and after he put off getting up and doing some work, he finally got out of bed. i, on the other hand, stayed in bed and planned to fall back asleep. i heard him in the kitchen, i assumed making coffee for himself, and drifted back to sleep. a little while later (i thought at least a half hour, but apparently it was more like 10 minutes) he comes back in the room, and says, "i made you something." i sleepily roll over, and he's made me pancakes and fruit. and he even lets me eat them in his bed.
i'm not sure exactly how much i believe in the whole concept of karma. it does seem to be true occasionally. the whole-what-goes-around-comes-around concept can't be all wrong. especially when people can make it happen...

so here's what happened, the reason for that whole little blurb up there. the argentinian and i were laying around talking the other night. i am not sure how it even came up, but we were talking about babies or something like that, not us having babies, but just in general. that is until he says something, i forget exactly what, implying he wants to have one now (not like at that minute, but you get what i mean). i am just like, "what?!?" he finds my flustered reaction funny, and starts laughing. i was caught totally offguard, cause what guy jokes about wanting a baby? i have never felt more like a guy in any of my relationships than i did in that one moment. so a few days later we were going to meet a friend from sacramento for breakfast, and i was having trouble deciding what to wear. i put on this one shirt, which is empire-waisted, and so kind of poofs out a bit. i ask him if it makes me look in the beginning stages of pregnancy, and to give his honest opinion. he actually tells me yes. which i'm glad he is honest. i'm like, "ok, i'm going to change. i'll just save this until i actually am pregnant. in like five months." he says, "what? no." i fake sadness and say, "you wouldn't want to have a baby with me? that's so mean." which he takes me all serious and tells me no, it's not that. he just doesn't want one now. and something that we would have a cute baby. i tell him it is just a joke, and to just relax. i had to balance things out.

Friday, August 18, 2006

dear god, this isn't a parachute, it's a knapsack!

we had our office birthday celebrations for august this week. i found out that it was someone in our groups birthday afterwards (they had forgotten his name on the list). we sat around and were talking about an upcoming trip of his, and he mentioned some movie, which i thought was from the early 80s. i said something along the lines of, "oh yeah, i've heard of that movie, it's pretty old." turns out it's not quite as old as i thought. it's from the 90s. but anyways...they were like, "oh, you think we're old." i kept trying to deny that i thought they were old. i said how i thought the movie was a lot older, and while that is not old for a person, it is kind of old for a movie. i felt like i kept digging myself deeper. a few days later in our team meeting it came up again. i told him again that i didn't think he was old. my boss then wanted me to tell a joke, i had none. see what happens when you try to talk to your co-workers? you end up accidentally insinuating that they are old, and they bring it up (jokingly at least) for the rest of the week.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


so this sunday was the season finale of the simple life: til death do us part. (very disappointing since right when paris and nicole confront each other it cuts off to a "TO BE CONTINUED"...basically you saw the whole "confrontation" in the previews.) over the last couple of weeks i've watched it with the argentinian since p. bear (old roommate, who i sometimes refer to as my roommate to my new roommate, which makes me feel bad) is no longer present to watch it with. at first i felt that perhaps he was bored or unimpressed with the mindless tv show. he doesn't even have cable or a tv hooked up in his house. their tv is in a closet, rolled out only for watching on special occasions (just my assumptions). so imagine my joy when yesterday the argentinian tells me he likes the simple life and when does the next new episode come on. i was sad to tell him not til next season. the last one was the season finale. his "oh" had a hint of disappointment. we do have differing opinions on who we prefer. he prefers paris, saying that nicole is so reckless and wild. i prefer nicole, cause i think she is much more entertaining, and not as bitchy about the whole feud as paris. he does not, however, care all that much about the girls next door, the other show on E! featuring hugh hefner's three girlfriends. which i find a bit surprising since there are girls in their underwear all the time on that show. that's the extent of our "disagreements" though. E! television. and even then, they are not real disagreements. he's so drama-free it boggles my mind.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

so the argentinian met my dad this weekend. he has now officially met my parents. i think it went well. he was so cute and unsure what to wear. i told him it didn't matter, that he could just wear a t-shirt and flip flops. he put on this casual jacket/blazer like thing. i was like, "are you kidding me? it's so hot out. take that jacket off. don't be ridiculous, you don't need to worry about how you look so much." we were both not feeling too well from the night before. (note to self: do not attend a going away party the night before introducing new boyfriend to father) but despite that, things were good. we went to get some breakfast at this place near the argentinian's house. not bad. sadly my dad could not stay long. it was only about an hour visit. so that just leaves me meeting his parents...which luckily won't happen for a little while as i will not be in argentina any time too soon.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

learned something new this weekend

greek food and alcohol do not mix well for me. the combination makes me sick. sick out of no where

related side note only some will understand: he must really like me after the mortifying thing i did, and he still wants to hang out.

game over

i'm calling it a tie. i have found the key to getting a successful nights sleep with the argentinian. surprisingly it is not one of us sleeping on the couch. i already feel more rested.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

new roommate

my new roommate is coming today. i'm a little nervous. what if we have absolutely nothing in common, and nothing to really talk about. my worst nightmare. i've never lived with someone i knew nothing about before. i've been at the very least an acquaintance with them. plus i still have some stuff in her room that needs to be moved. the argentinian and i were going to move it last night, but never got around to it. (get your minds out of the gutter, we were just too lazy/tired to move the stuff. i mean you p.bear...) i tried moving the dresser myself, and i got like maybe 3 feet, and gave up. i'm waiting til someone else gets here so i don't have to drag it all the way across the apartment. i should probably get back to work cleaning up...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

proof at a certain age you should stop going to bars

a coworker of mine went to a bar over the weekend. well, a group of them did actually, and since i was out of town, i did not join them. she is probably in her late 30s or early 40s. not prime going out age. she ended up falling (or something, no one is quite sure how it happened) and breaking her ankle. she had to get surgery for said injury, and is now not coming into work for a while, because she'd have to be in a wheel chair. i know deep down age doesn't really have anything to do with it...but it kind of just proves my point.

the aftermath

so the weekend went really well. my mom liked him, my friends liked him as far as i can tell, and he liked everyone he met too. we had a really good time. we went to old town/downtown. hung out with some of my guy friends at shakers on friday night, and the girls at mandango's on saturday night. the drive wasn't too bad either. though we did end up going on the wrong freeway at one point cause he was trying to take a picture of something (i have no clue what). but other than that the drive went pretty smoothly. it went better than i thought it would have gone. so that's a definite plus.

tmi: work edition

i know that if you are in an elevator alone with a coworker you are obligated to make small talk with each other. but please, don't bring up that you've been in several different positions cause you keep getting "layed off" in response to "how long have you been working here?" or that they "keep trying to get rid of [you]haha." it is just awkward. and i don't know how to respond, except with forced nervous laughter.
argentina: 2
germany: 1

i got hit in the face this time (accidental of course)...

i'm hoping for a comeback.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

going home

tomorrow i am going home for the weekend. the argentinian is coming with me. i am both relaxed about this, and nervous. i figure things will either go really well, or possibly be rather awkward. i don't know why i have these two extremes in my head. i'm hoping for the former. he's already met a couple of my friends that we will be hanging out with up there. there are others he has not met. those are ones who could make for a potentially awkward situation. though i'm hoping it won't come down to that. so far nothing has been said to indicate that they will behave badly. should be an interesting weekend.

a treaty

news from the war zone also known as my bed: a successful full nights sleep was acheived. no rolling on top of anyone, or flailing arms to be seen. i don't know if this will be a temporary thing, or permanent. but i'm really pulling for permanent. i like my sleep. side note: i believe the argentinan and i became "official"* last night. i'm pleased. even though "the talk" was a little awkward in it's roots, it was no where near as bad as it could have been.

*for actual embarrassing details, contact the author

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

bed wars: 2nd edition

the argentinian spent the night last night. the first time since the rolling-on-top-of-me incident. from the title i'm sure you can tell it did not go well. i'll put aside the fact that he kept me up a little longer than i wanted to stay up. that is forgivable. no hard feelings. we settle into bed, him right up against me (of course). but this time i planned ahead. i started out in the middle of the bed, thinking that later in the night i could always roll away if i needed a little more space. my plan seemed to be working. there was even eventually a little space between us every now and then. an occasional arm would find it's way over onto me, but i brushed it off with ease. until, that is, the whole body seemed to find it's way over to my side of the bed (i had since moved over to my side). i opened my eyes and looked over, and noticed how little space i had. i was going to just maybe go lay on the other side of the bed, but upon further inspection, the argentinian's leg was occupying that side. he would roll a little closer, and i would nudge him away. this happened a couple times. finally, i accepted defeat, and went and slept the remainder of the night on the couch (which i really didn't mind since i voluntarily sleep on it all the time).

argentina: 1
germany: 1

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

empty apartment

so my roommate moved out this weekend. she's going on to grad school back east. it's kind of weird not having a roommate again. i didn't have one for a couple years before moving down here, and was fine with it. but now after 7 months being thrown back into the no roommate situation is kind of weird. in some respects it is nice. i don't need to worry about picking up after myself in a timely manner, i can watch whatever i want (though we pretty much always wanted to watch the same thing: golden girls, E!, or something like that), among other living alone perks. but it is balanced out by the not having some one to constantly talk to and hang out with. definitely an adjustment. though the argentinian has been over a considerable amount keeping me company, which is nice. so at least i'm not always alone in the apartment. since she had a lot of furniture already in the apartment when i moved in i did not bother bringing down most of mine, save for a couch and furniture for my bedroom. so now my apartment is not only empty due to a lack of a roommate (the new one is not arriving until the 10th) but is lacking in furniture and decorations. i'm trying to slowly put up some pictures, and look around for some furniture that is both stylish and affordable. my bedroom is similarly decorated at the moment. i have only moved my bed in there and some night stands. as well as a few pictures, mainly contained in the sink/shower area however. hopefully the place will be presentable before anyone sees it.