i have never been a fan of doing laundry. especially PAYING to do laundry. which for the last couple weeks i have had to do since i am no longer with former boyfriend (i knew i should've done more laundry the last time i did it there). with my impending trip to vegas this weekend i obviously need lots of fabulous clothes to take with me. so...have i slowly been working my way through the mountain of clothes that is my laundry? no. of course not. that would be much too economical. instead, i have gone out and bought more clothes. more clothes to put in my closets (that's right, more than one) that are already full and bursting with clothes. last night when i was shopping, at the second or third store i was at, i was at the counter making my purchase. i decided a pair of pants were a little more than i wanted to pay (not that they were even that much), so i told the sales girl i didn't want them. it was hard to do. so hard, in fact, that i am sitting here at my desk wearing said pants. i think i have a real problem. part out of being lazy, and part out of not being able to say no.