i just want to start this off saying i don’t live in some bad neighborhood.
that being said...two of the more interesting people who live in my apartments have either gone m.i.a., or cleaned up their act.
golf club man...what happened to you? you are always sans golf club now. to the point i almost feel weird calling you g.c.m. not only have you lost your trademark golf club, but you are out and about during the day time. not creepily appearling out of nowhere at night. and you’ve shaved. and apparently gotten some new clothes. or at least washed the ones you used to have. and did you get a new hair cut? i barely recognized you in the hall the other day. i didn’t feel disturbed by our exchange of greetings at all. i miss the old g.c.m. the one i suspected of dealing drugs in the area. it gave me and the roommate something interesting to talk about when we spotted you.
and talks to himself guy...you’ve totally gone m.i.a. either me or the roommate used to bump into you at least weekly. you always moving your mouth with barely intelligible talking coming out. i haven’t seen you in weeks. was g.c.m. your dealer, and now that he’s cleaned up his act, you have too? i just don’t know what’s going on. me and the roommate are a little worried. come back you guys.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye
i have completed my last day at the clothing company job. it was a good run...a boring run for the most part. with my departure, which they probably don't even know about, i take some fond memories. the awkward lunch when the vp decided to show up with everyone else (got to love those company luncheons). moving papers around to appear busy since boss sits RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. not being able to blog nor check my regular email account. and last, and definitely not least, the sample sale...i will miss that the most, though it only comes once a season i am guessing...
Monday, May 22, 2006
this is the last time, i swear (for a while at least...)
so i have an even newer job now. i don't start until next tuesday, but i can't wait. this is finally a job that i went to school for. i'm so glad, cause i am figuring out this job i have right now, not so much what i want to be doing as a career. not only is it more money so i will finally feel like i don't have to worry about that (and even get to save up some), but i will also have benefits, which is nice. it's close to home and everything. and it is a great stepping stone to maybe move on to something i'll love even more. i was kind of worried that i wouldn't find something that i really wanted to do as a job as it has never really appealed to me all that much. but i think this is something that i can be happy with, and maybe even enjoy going to work every day (or at least most days).
Friday, May 19, 2006
i can't wait to see her handle two babies

twice in one week. first the car seat incident, now she almost drops little sean preston. she already previously drove with him on her lap. i'm going to overlook that he fell from his high chair or something at home. she seems to not have really anything to do with that. you can't imagine how sad i was when i found out britney was pregnant again. she is turning into such a disaster.
those camden's just won't go away

so 7th heaven was over. series finale and everything. i was not in the least bit broken up about this. it's about time was more like my reaction. but then the other day i find out that the new cw network has renewed the show, and is bringing it back. is that even possible? i mean the story was wrapped up, over. how does 7th heaven stay on, but w&g is over. it's just not right.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
the end of an era...

tonight is a sad night. it is the last episode of will & grace...EVER. roommate and i are very sad. excited to see how it will end, but devastated to actually see it go. practically all my favorite shows are off the air now. friends, sex and the city. now w&g.
some quotes:
Jack: 'Oh my god! What if we got trapped up here?! Who would we eat first?'
Will: 'Well Karen's out because there's nothing natural or digestible on her body...and I mean that as a compliment.'
Karen: 'And I took it that way honey.'
Karen: You know what those rocks need? A little Scotch.
Karen: Oh, hello. Zander Freeman, please. Yes, hello, Zander. I have Grace Adler calling. Oh, oh, yes, she's just as beautiful as ever. [laughs] Oh! Oh, that's very sweet! Goodbye!
[Grace motions excitedly to have Karen give her the phone. Grace is shocked when Karen hangs up.]
Karen: [tears up the Rolodex card] He's gotten fat.
Grace: What?! What?! What did you just do?
Karen: Honey, he had the ho, ho, ho, chortle, which basically says, "I'm a fatty now."
Jack: Well it's better than your's! You told the kids that the balloons were made out of candy!
Karen: Hehe...kids are dumb.
Karen: I know what emotion means. It's one of those words that people throw around that don't mean anything. like "maternal" or "addiction".
UPDATE: the series finale was a bit of a let down. now i know they never live up to the expectations you have for them, but this was just awful. my roommate and i were left with an empty feeling afterwards...
Monday, May 15, 2006
out with the old, in with the new

so i have a new job. at a clothing company. so far better than the old job. except for the lack of free food and drinks. but that just might help me get rid of the holiday weight by the 4th of july. or, if i am lucky, by the annual vegas trip. anyways, way off topic there. so i have a new job. it's title suggests i am much more important than i think i actually am in the company. but i get paid more. so i am perhaps a little important. i have an office, which is shared by two other people, one being my supervisor...i guess that's two bad points for the new job now. but still...i actually have work to do. and this job has some other really good perks, such as the discount i will be receiving, and access to the sample sales. even though i don't buy this brand of clothing all that much, with everything $3 and under, you can't say no to it. and also important...i can sleep in a whole hour later. i think that is one of my favorite things about the job.
old guys: wtf?

what is up with old guys. i have written about this before on my myspace blog, but something so horrible happened that it warranted a new post. my roommate and i go out on saturday night to henry's, like we have done many times before. and when roommate goes to get another drink i decide i'll just hang out on the dance floor where we were. what harm could come of it? you might think none, but you would be wrong. within seconds of her leaving a certain older gentleman, who appears to be OLDER than my dad, comes up to me, shakes my hand and then...wait for it...kisses my cheek. and to be honest, it was not a dry kiss. what i want to know is, why? why did this ancient man think that this was ok? i hope others will be saved by my reaction: wiping my cheek and then walking away. but seriously, old guys, if you are reading, stick to your age group.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
something that has become a habit (well sort of, but not really)

so last night i had this dream that i've had a few times before. and i always wake up thinking it's just one of the weirdest dreams. partly because i apparently go crazy in this dream. my family, along with some other older gentleman, who is apparently a family friend or something. i don't know, but he lives with us. and my family isn't my actual family. a different family. the basic gist of the dream is we are trying to secure our house so people can't get in and harm us (i think it's like the nazi's or someother group along those lines). and so we lock all the doors and stuff like that, but they somehow keep getting unlocked. like someone in the house is wanting to let the bad guys in. and it always turns out (i think) that it was the old guy who is doing it. and there is some ribbon of like a grey color you can put on your door handle and you will be safe, but if you put a red one, then you are just doomed. and our grey one keeps getting replaced with a red one as well. so here's where i "go crazy" in the dream. i replace the red ribbon with our grey one, after figuring out it is the old guy, and close and lock the front door. i tell my family we need to lock the rest of the doors, and ask where the old guy is, cause he's the one doing this. they then tell me he died a month ago, and that that whole day (which was like a month ago) went fine cause in the end we got our grey ribbon out there, so they just passed by our house. and then i'm left standing there saying how i'm going crazy, cause i've just been living out that day, and don't remember anything from the last month. it's so weird.
i hope this doesn't become a habit

well...i'm afraid i have a bit of insomnia tonight. i'm just hoping it's a one night deal from being a little stressed out about some things. i really can't be up for nights on end like before. it's been a while though...it's probably due. falling asleep easily was nice. i got used to it. i suppose i could try taking some benedryl like my uncle suggested (he's a doctor). i'll wait a little longer.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
it's time to get some self control
so i've tried to lose the so called "holiday weight" for a while now. and i was starting to think...eh...not that big a deal. maybe i just won't worry about it. that is until this lovely photo was taken of me this past weekend:

for those of you who do not know me, i am not in the early stages of pregnancy. now i'm not sure if it is the angle or what cause in actual life i do not look like this. not even in other pictures from that same day do i look like that. but this was just a sign that it was time, even though it was a bad angle, to suck it up and not eat as much candy/cookie/whatever i want anymore. so far (today at least), so good.

for those of you who do not know me, i am not in the early stages of pregnancy. now i'm not sure if it is the angle or what cause in actual life i do not look like this. not even in other pictures from that same day do i look like that. but this was just a sign that it was time, even though it was a bad angle, to suck it up and not eat as much candy/cookie/whatever i want anymore. so far (today at least), so good.
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