Saturday, April 29, 2006
i never thought it was true
you know how people say that couples start to look like each other? well i never thought it was true...until last night. the boyfriend came over to spend the night since all of our respective roommates were out of town. i had strategically put lost on before he got there so i could at least watch one of the episodes (i have just bought season one and am therefore obsessed with watching them). now my boyfriend is not what you would call a "tv person". in fact i think in the three months we've been together we have watched like maybe 2 hours of actual television shows. that is a very small amount. especially considering my roommate and i enjoy watching dvd's as one of our favorite pass times. anyways, we ended up watching lost all night...and by we i mean until i ended up practically face down on the couch snoring, and he finally put me to bed. i went to turn off the tv on the way to the bedroom, and he said, "no, leave it on. i'm going to watch some more." puzzled as i was, i was too tired to ask any questions. i woke up the next morning without him in bed next to me. i thought he had maybe left and not told me, which i thought would've been incredibly rude and unlike him. i made my way out to the kitchen, and there was a sight all too familiar to me. i have spent many a night sleeping on that couch. but instead of me, it was my boyfriend. passed out on the couch. the only thing missing was that the tv and dvd player had been turned off. the similarities between us were mounting. watching tv for many hours in a row,eating cake, not bothering to cut a piece off, passing out on the couch. as the weekend went on, something else happened. something that NEVER happens. especially at his house. we ate dinner on the couch to watch tv. i don't know what brought on this change in behavior, but he ended up watching the ENTIRE first season of lost. but it was a pretty good and relaxing weekend, so i'm not going to question it.
Friday, April 28, 2006
we'll see how long this lasts...

i am making my first trip to the gym today...i don't know what to expect. i have been to gyms before obviously, but not like a membership gym. just the ARC at school, and the occasional apartment gym. we'll see how it goes. i have high aspirations of going several times a week. i don't know how long that will last. hopefully long enough to get rid of this holiday weight. though i'm not sure if it is allowed to still be called holiday weight this far into the year. unless it is easter/mother's day holiday weight. either way i am determined to get rid of it. i hit my highest weight ever lately. most of it is located in my ass i have decided, so i'm going to lose it, to the horror of the boyfriend who for some reason prefers it at this larger size (granted he hasn't seen it at it's smaller, more appealing in my opinion, size).
update: i was instantly discouraged by the fact that i didn't even want to have to park far away from the entrance, as the sole purpose of going to the gym is to get in shape. i was about to suck it up and park far away, but at that very moment a spot right up front opened up, and so i took it. it was not bad working out. burning as many calories as i did in the 25 min. i was at the gym was actually nice. and made me feel less bad about the cake i had eaten earlier that day, as well as the cake i planned to eat later on in the evening. i blame my work for having cake and so much left overs that i took a large portion of it home.
bit of happiness
the president ceo of the company just told me i could go home. a whole 15 min. early...even though i should have to stay. he is awesome.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
something i'm really over

i am really over hearing about "tomkat" and their new baby. which the media has decided to dub "tomkitten". but as much as i am over it, i pity the poor kid. tom cruise has turned into such a nut job, and i can't imagine growing up with him as a father. imagine like 13 years from now...that girl has the potential to get teased to no end. though i suppose having tom cruise as a father will provide a little protection, even though he could be the reason behind much of the teasing. i bet celebrity kids don't have to deal with that as much as normal kids. i also think it is ridiculous how much "news" has been put out about the girl's name, suri. all the controversy over what it means and blah blah blah. since when does what a kid's name mean mane news? when people name their kids normal names it isn't accompanied by it's meaning. do people really care what tom cruise's baby's name means? i mean i like celebrity gossip as much as the next person, but this just really seems out of control.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
fancy clothes

apparently i am "dressed up" today. least according to shark man i am (and apparently any other male that works here). he comes up to my desk and asks why i am so dressed up today. i say i don't know. i honestly didn't realize i was dressed up. i work in an office, at the front desk. i usually try to look fairly nice. anyways. so he says, "cause it feels good?" i just smile. what the hell am i supposed to say to that. since when did wearing some sort of scarf turn into being so fancy?
Monday, April 24, 2006
beware the shark this guy at my work, who i will refer to as shark man, has suddenly taken a huge interest in my life. my personal life to be more exact. the other day he suddenly started asking me tons of questions about my plans for the weekend, and about my boyfriend, and several other questions that would normally seem harmless except for the weird feeling it gave me. the weirdest part of all, is he asked if i wanted to go to lunch sometime. and to just let him know when i did. i was also told i could call and chat with him if i wanted too. not to mention i felt like he was fishing for me to say i would go see some movie with him. i swear the old guys at my work are so crazy sometimes. another one, out of nowhere, says to me, "you have such a pretty smile." this is a man i thought seemed kind of fatherly. stopping to see how i was doing and stuff like that....not anymore.
what just happened?
so i'm sitting at my desk, doing all sorts of important things such as checking email or reading about a restraining order denise richards has put on charlie sheen, when this guy walks in (not that works here, but does like maintanence or something) and just puts some paper on my desk. he proceeds to walk into the mail room in the middle of my sentence asking what i am supposed to do with said paper. he walks back out and sort of just stares at me when i ask what he wants me to do with this paper, or who it is for. he just says, "sign it." refusing to answer my multiple attempts to figure out who it is for. he then stands by the door waiting for me to let him weird.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
waiting for 5
so i got a job working at a pharmaceuticals company. overall, a very easy job. and it's nice to finally have some real source of income. what i hate: being tired all the time. it seems like i don't have much time just to relax and recouperate before i have to wake up and do the whole thing all over again the next day. the only saving grace is that the people are all really quite nice. without that i think i wouldn't be able to stand it. but every once and a while i realize that i will be working, maybe not at the same company, for the rest of my life basically. or at least a good chunk of it.
i've decided that as far as me owning a car goes, at least in the city of san diego, i am doomed to bad luck. my car had a recent run in...with a wall. i hardly have any problems with my cars when i lived up in sacramento, but whenever i live in san diego suddenly an onslought of problems occur. it's strange.
i've decided that as far as me owning a car goes, at least in the city of san diego, i am doomed to bad luck. my car had a recent run in...with a wall. i hardly have any problems with my cars when i lived up in sacramento, but whenever i live in san diego suddenly an onslought of problems occur. it's strange.
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