
baby development

Monday, July 21, 2008


Well, it's been a month since Argentinian and I have gotten married. And it's going wonderfully. It unfortunately seems our honeymoon will likely be put off for a while longer, as we are expecting a baby (a boy!) at the end of the year, Christmas to be exact, and I think I rather save up my days for that. We can always take a vacation. My father has already offered to watch the little guy when we decide to go on one. Very nice.

So... nothing else besides the big news of a baby to report. We went last Friday for an ultrasound, and everything looks like it's going well. The kid even appears to have a cute profile. We're both very excited, and can't wait to meet him. I am hoping these next five or so months go by quickly. I just want to get to the fun part (though I know it will be tons of work) of actually having the baby here with us.

1 comment:

MommyTime said...

Congratulations on the wedding and baby! And thanks for the comments at my place. It's so nice to "meet" new people.